Greetings to All who will recognize my spiritual name as it was revealed by Higher Self.
As you will know by this time , we all are in a journey, we incarnated in this planet to evolve and recognize our Sacred Essence, to remember what we have forgotten. Planet Earth is a school for the spirits whom enter at one point in the spatial movement called timeline of the physical universe and through many Earth experiences will recognize the Father Within, The Monad, The Higher Self, The Father in Secret, at the altar of the heart within the temple of the physical body.
How refreshing is to know deep within the heart that the time has come to prepare, outside and inside for the greatest moment since the creation of the human race. The children of Earth, in a collective and conscious manner, choose to become the Christ Consciousness, to become ONE with the Father Within and ascend to a higher octave of vibration within their inner selves and some will ask to return to the House of the Father, to the Stars, to NOVUS DOMINIUM through acceptance of their sacred inheritance and participating as newcomers in the Galactic Federation of Planets.
How can this be more clear to us? This is the time to Ascend to the fifth dimension where we are "The Sentient", when we become aware of our true self, when we see in each other the reflection of our own self, when we vibrate from the center of our being, our heart, but not the physical heart but the star sparkling Essence of the Father whithin us.
Blessed be those whom this time gather in joy and happiness in front of the Portal of Heaven for that is a glorious moment, that is the moment we have been waiting for so long, that recognize the mission and the reason for being incarnated today in this physical plane. I assure you that it will be the most incommensurable moment of your existence as beings.
Beloved ones, let's gather our own kind, lets go united as the Body of Christ, the Christ Conscious Beings, unity is strength and together lets seek to be at the Portal and walk towards green pastures in the valleys of NOVUS DOMINIUM, our true realm, our new home in the Stars.
Blessed be those that have ears to hear and eyes to see!
Blessed be those who have purity in their hearts for they will see The Father!
Blessed be the Meek for they will inherit the Kingdom of the Father!
Light and Love!
Arkam Menantes Yawa-deva