I AM Menantes, receive my blesings dear ones, for now is the "coming " of "NOVUS DOMINIUM".
I'm making a set of short stories where I will share with you some of the "experiences" I have given the privilege to witness along my lifetime in Earth.
" In the early hours of Sep 19, 1982 perhaps 3:00 AM I woke up listening someone singing and calling my name. I went toward the front porch of my family's farm house where I believed the call was coming. As extrange as it was, I noticed that it was like daylight where this young man was. He was white, brown hair, a beard grown and look similar to Jesus of Galilee. He called my name again in a very warmth and kind way, I felt like he knew me for a long time. I responded him saying: who are you? do I know you? I was feeling unconfortable by such close familiarity from the Being. To what he replied:
"Beloved, there is nothing you should be afraid of. I come to you to help you with your pain and suffering. We know you have been mistreated by those who should love you, your father, your mother, brothers and sisters, but it is now necessary for you to get better and be healed. "
At this moment, I noticed his guitar as he began to play it and sing songs, making me feel calm. After a while, I felt to sit next to where he was sitting, over a small area covered with short grass in front of the house.
I remember staying for few minutes when he stop playing and gave me advice as to not to be afraid and that I was given an opportunity to change my destiny. He told me to head down towards the middle of one of the main crop fields of our farm where a treasure was waiting for me, to be prudent and not talk about what I was going to witness until told to do so.
As I accepted his words, I stood up and began to walk towards the area he had pointed me to go, located about a mile away from the house. I walked down toward the fields, crossed several rustic doors made of wood and barber wire, and followed along the edge of a creek that runs aside the limits of our property from the South. Once I approached the site where I suppose to be, between the two big trees called Ceibas, about 100 feet high and 250 feet apart from each other, It was dark and sudeenly the field started to light up, I got worry but I rememberd the Being advice and became calm.
I then saw a light that became an object coming from the sky above, once got close when I started to hear a humming sound and saw this cilindric object that began to approach and landed between the Ceibas near where I was standing. It was approximate sixty feet long and about twenty feet high, I couldn't see how wide it was. It looked like a huge Winebbago, with small side windows, and blue, red and green color lights flashing around the vessel in circular motion. A door opened from one of its sides and a small stairway came off.
From the inside a figure began to emerge, it was a blonde female who came out and signal me to approach the vehicle. Surprised and with a sense of loving peace I approached the vessel and began to hear the woman talk inside my mind. There were no words rather were thoughts I should say, like I could listen what the being thinks. I can describe her as aproximate six feet tall, white, blonde hair, deep blue eyes, radiand, beautiful smile, the most beutiful being I had ever seen. Her white gown was adorned with some symbols in gold around her chest and top shoulders. She invited me to come aboard and guide me to sit in what looks like a chair next to another door.
I am told to wait, that a doctor is coming and that I was going to remember most of this visit. Then she tell me to go inside the next room, take off my shirt and lay down in the bed. I did so with this feeling of peace inside me. I went inside to an illuminated room where I noticed there were no lamps, it looked like a hospital operation room. I asked myself why I was there, if I wasn't sick ...(to be continued)
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Sunday, November 18, 2007
The Meteor. My Personal History Series
Greetings Beloved Ones!
Today I will relate to the world what I should have done many years ago. Therefore I apologize to God today for not having done it in time.
In this public apology, it is my intent to bring forth that of what it was expected from me by the Creator of my Being.
To have the annoitment of the Light and not follow it, is certainly an action that bring repercutions and karma is created and attonment is necessary. Mine is yet to be completed, meanwhile I AM now awaken and recognizing my path of ascension becoming Sentient.
The following description is true as is written and now is part of public record on a court procedings. I call upon the true justice, the justice of the Christ as Judge, and the Sentient as jurors.
This is my delusion:
The Meteor
In the second or third Wednesday of March 1992, around 3 AM, a sight of a meteor entering and exiting the abode across the eastern seaboard attracted newsreels all day long. The event reported by the Vanderbilt observatory of Long Island, NY was described as "a meteor", a brilliant light object across the firmament falling first over the seas in front of New York and then taken an elliptic path over the skies of Boston to return to the outer space. To my knowledge, a meteor falls to Earth and hits ground or water, but never return to the cosmos. Over 3 thousand witnessed the entry and exit of the object and they describe the flight as around 30 to 60 seconds of duration. The event has faded in the memories of people, perhaps those who witnessed and those who just happen to listen about it. Not for me.
Not for me definitely, although I did not see it physically, I experienced one of many of the "visions". A big one. A briefing of some sort, in a space ship, a meeting with some people in white with white robes and blue eyes, specially the commander, who asked me who I was.* Then the briefing started, about wars, disasters, forest fires, a comet hitting Earth, estrange Sun activity to end in the “wave” of gamma rays that will hurt millions of people.
I have had in my life awesome "visions" and messages, out of the body experiences, but this one, is one of a kind. Further information of the briefing that night I deem necessary to keep hermetically sealed and not disclosure to preserve what is necessary to preserve from pray eyes. I will only share it with people advanced enough to understand what is it about the message passed and the events that took place afterwards, and those coming to be. Whether in body, spirit or mind, I certainly have not yet discerned.
* “I am a citizen of the third planet of the Solar System in the Milky Way and my name is Menantes".
About the Sun, I have to go back to the 1992 meeting with the Galactic Beings. I do recall in the briefings, they show us many future events and by the time of the forest fires in California, next was a vivid display of people in the beaches of the World being burned in their skins with very painful lacerations. There was no cure for this. I saw many blaspheming against God, blaming Him for this horror without thinking that they brought it upon themselves. Consequently, it is my belief that this is what is next, a storm of Gamma rays, affecting the planet surface; especially in concordance with the solar activity is rational to think is the next big situation, in the tribulation we are going to witness.
Below is a paragraph of an article about the attack in Washington DC on 9-11-01. This reflects what I am talking about. A panic of unprecedented dimensions is just about to occur.
"I think everybody is still sort of feeling that they don't really know how they're feeling," said Hortum. "Things have changed so much. There's an anger that people feel for having all this beset them, for having to feel this anxiety. But there's a very real sense that we need to be aware of people beyond ourselves."
Beyond this, I want to point out to the fact that the Galactic Beings were very concerned, not to the comet that was going to hit Earth in 1994.(Shoemaker.)(This is proof for me that the meeting in March 1992 is as real as you and me writing this today. Vanderbilt Observatory of Long Island , NY have records of the "meteor that left Earth over Boston in the early morning of Wednesday 18, 1992)
They inform us that this event they already took care of it for us, but with the coming "wave", somehow they believed was going to be more powerful than any other cosmic event ever take place. I do have the closings on this briefing, but to my despair is now buried in my subconscious memory. Every time that I try to bring it forward, I fail to have clarity. Apparently, I got very emotional and they didn't like it, right there is when they send me back here. I may have offended them or something like that.
Incidentally, I found the work of Dr. Paul LaViolette quite amusing in the subject of "super waves" from galactic origin, few weeks ago. You may want to look at:
Arkam Menantes Yawa-deva
Today I will relate to the world what I should have done many years ago. Therefore I apologize to God today for not having done it in time.
In this public apology, it is my intent to bring forth that of what it was expected from me by the Creator of my Being.
To have the annoitment of the Light and not follow it, is certainly an action that bring repercutions and karma is created and attonment is necessary. Mine is yet to be completed, meanwhile I AM now awaken and recognizing my path of ascension becoming Sentient.
The following description is true as is written and now is part of public record on a court procedings. I call upon the true justice, the justice of the Christ as Judge, and the Sentient as jurors.
This is my delusion:
The Meteor
In the second or third Wednesday of March 1992, around 3 AM, a sight of a meteor entering and exiting the abode across the eastern seaboard attracted newsreels all day long. The event reported by the Vanderbilt observatory of Long Island, NY was described as "a meteor", a brilliant light object across the firmament falling first over the seas in front of New York and then taken an elliptic path over the skies of Boston to return to the outer space. To my knowledge, a meteor falls to Earth and hits ground or water, but never return to the cosmos. Over 3 thousand witnessed the entry and exit of the object and they describe the flight as around 30 to 60 seconds of duration. The event has faded in the memories of people, perhaps those who witnessed and those who just happen to listen about it. Not for me.
Not for me definitely, although I did not see it physically, I experienced one of many of the "visions". A big one. A briefing of some sort, in a space ship, a meeting with some people in white with white robes and blue eyes, specially the commander, who asked me who I was.* Then the briefing started, about wars, disasters, forest fires, a comet hitting Earth, estrange Sun activity to end in the “wave” of gamma rays that will hurt millions of people.
I have had in my life awesome "visions" and messages, out of the body experiences, but this one, is one of a kind. Further information of the briefing that night I deem necessary to keep hermetically sealed and not disclosure to preserve what is necessary to preserve from pray eyes. I will only share it with people advanced enough to understand what is it about the message passed and the events that took place afterwards, and those coming to be. Whether in body, spirit or mind, I certainly have not yet discerned.
* “I am a citizen of the third planet of the Solar System in the Milky Way and my name is Menantes".
About the Sun, I have to go back to the 1992 meeting with the Galactic Beings. I do recall in the briefings, they show us many future events and by the time of the forest fires in California, next was a vivid display of people in the beaches of the World being burned in their skins with very painful lacerations. There was no cure for this. I saw many blaspheming against God, blaming Him for this horror without thinking that they brought it upon themselves. Consequently, it is my belief that this is what is next, a storm of Gamma rays, affecting the planet surface; especially in concordance with the solar activity is rational to think is the next big situation, in the tribulation we are going to witness.
Below is a paragraph of an article about the attack in Washington DC on 9-11-01. This reflects what I am talking about. A panic of unprecedented dimensions is just about to occur.
"I think everybody is still sort of feeling that they don't really know how they're feeling," said Hortum. "Things have changed so much. There's an anger that people feel for having all this beset them, for having to feel this anxiety. But there's a very real sense that we need to be aware of people beyond ourselves."
Beyond this, I want to point out to the fact that the Galactic Beings were very concerned, not to the comet that was going to hit Earth in 1994.(Shoemaker.)(This is proof for me that the meeting in March 1992 is as real as you and me writing this today. Vanderbilt Observatory of Long Island , NY have records of the "meteor that left Earth over Boston in the early morning of Wednesday 18, 1992)
They inform us that this event they already took care of it for us, but with the coming "wave", somehow they believed was going to be more powerful than any other cosmic event ever take place. I do have the closings on this briefing, but to my despair is now buried in my subconscious memory. Every time that I try to bring it forward, I fail to have clarity. Apparently, I got very emotional and they didn't like it, right there is when they send me back here. I may have offended them or something like that.
Incidentally, I found the work of Dr. Paul LaViolette quite amusing in the subject of "super waves" from galactic origin, few weeks ago. You may want to look at:
Arkam Menantes Yawa-deva
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Qualifications for Ascension
(Channeled by Aruna)
Beloved Saint Germain says:
Many messages have been delivered about meditation, channeling and developing the link to our realm. In all of these messages one of the common denominators has been answering the call of my chelas to help them ascend. Today’s message may seem dramatic because not enough of my chelas have given themselves enough credit to consider themselves one of those ascending. Non-awareness cancels this contract, so I am now going to detail all of the reasons ascension can be their next consciousness.
No conditions of human change can negate the open and active love now delivered from any of them.
No attitudes of ‘mine vs. yours’ cancels their ability to give.
No details of their mental dialog attack others.
No close encounters with other dimensions create negative attitudes.
Claims of advanced mastery do not concern them.
Names and abilities are God’s choice, not the choice of their daily mental activity. If a name was taken it came from many causes other than dislike of an existing name.
Pretense about danger has been cleared.
Money cancellation has been by initiation, not dark contact. Acceptance of this has been another level of development.
No details of mass consciousness control their mental decisions.
Planetary consciousness has gone on to the 5th dimension. My chelas have continued to grow in awareness during this advance.
No dates for ascension can be given yet, as these dates depend on changes in the mass consciousness that are still needed because they make new demands on the non-aligned masters now leading others. Ascension in a group does not activate any control over these changes. This would only delete the more advanced minds from mass consciousness. Put in a more understandable way, as long as mentally clear minds are adding light to man’s awareness, their ascension cannot demand that their domain be changed. We need more clarity of heart and mind in all group mind arenas. Take away those that contribute the most open and advanced clarity makes no contribution to the mass.
Politics cannot continue to add negativity to human affairs. Ascension can delete negativity towards mankind’s ability to determine man’s destiny. Allowing the Bush group no destructive decisions or energy for mass destruction of other countries needs those chelas aware of community consciousness to defeat them.
Please delete all negative mental attitudes towards the men and women being used by the defenders of darkness. May they be cleared of their controllers at once. It is this mental attitude of caring that can change man’s destiny to “ascension NOW.” Open the door to your heart and only give out aware attitudes that are not derogatory about anyone. ’Pure of heart’ means only delivering awareness to the One. It means acting like One God consciousness cannot be divided. In Masters this is always the case.
In the beginning of this New Age of Awareness many concepts about deities of the negative awareness were energized by their abilities with magic and thought transfer. Now these concepts need deleting. Any name with magic or deception ascribed to it must be questioned about its awareness. It’s always best to ask only to connect with Christ consciousness. In all cases of channeling, never accept energies to channel that are not able to quickly declare their Christ consciousness. Always ask. An angel or Ascended Master is Christ consciousness. Many using our names are not.
Another misconception about deities not of Christ consciousness is that all are alike in their motivation to contact humans. Not a correct assumption. None of the non-Christ consciousness deities give only because of love. Many desire accolades or their names being famous. Others want to manipulate. My advice is to ONLY connect with Christ consciousness and accept this guidance as accurate. Others are not as capable of being accurate.
Truth is relative. No deity has an accurate ability to deliver answers about Truth because no concepts are true. Play with this next quote: “Truth can only be delivered to a quiet mind, and as the delivery occurs, nothing the mind concludes about Truth can be.”
January 7, 2007
By Saint Germain
Beloved Saint Germain says:
Many messages have been delivered about meditation, channeling and developing the link to our realm. In all of these messages one of the common denominators has been answering the call of my chelas to help them ascend. Today’s message may seem dramatic because not enough of my chelas have given themselves enough credit to consider themselves one of those ascending. Non-awareness cancels this contract, so I am now going to detail all of the reasons ascension can be their next consciousness.
No conditions of human change can negate the open and active love now delivered from any of them.
No attitudes of ‘mine vs. yours’ cancels their ability to give.
No details of their mental dialog attack others.
No close encounters with other dimensions create negative attitudes.
Claims of advanced mastery do not concern them.
Names and abilities are God’s choice, not the choice of their daily mental activity. If a name was taken it came from many causes other than dislike of an existing name.
Pretense about danger has been cleared.
Money cancellation has been by initiation, not dark contact. Acceptance of this has been another level of development.
No details of mass consciousness control their mental decisions.
Planetary consciousness has gone on to the 5th dimension. My chelas have continued to grow in awareness during this advance.
No dates for ascension can be given yet, as these dates depend on changes in the mass consciousness that are still needed because they make new demands on the non-aligned masters now leading others. Ascension in a group does not activate any control over these changes. This would only delete the more advanced minds from mass consciousness. Put in a more understandable way, as long as mentally clear minds are adding light to man’s awareness, their ascension cannot demand that their domain be changed. We need more clarity of heart and mind in all group mind arenas. Take away those that contribute the most open and advanced clarity makes no contribution to the mass.
Politics cannot continue to add negativity to human affairs. Ascension can delete negativity towards mankind’s ability to determine man’s destiny. Allowing the Bush group no destructive decisions or energy for mass destruction of other countries needs those chelas aware of community consciousness to defeat them.
Please delete all negative mental attitudes towards the men and women being used by the defenders of darkness. May they be cleared of their controllers at once. It is this mental attitude of caring that can change man’s destiny to “ascension NOW.” Open the door to your heart and only give out aware attitudes that are not derogatory about anyone. ’Pure of heart’ means only delivering awareness to the One. It means acting like One God consciousness cannot be divided. In Masters this is always the case.
In the beginning of this New Age of Awareness many concepts about deities of the negative awareness were energized by their abilities with magic and thought transfer. Now these concepts need deleting. Any name with magic or deception ascribed to it must be questioned about its awareness. It’s always best to ask only to connect with Christ consciousness. In all cases of channeling, never accept energies to channel that are not able to quickly declare their Christ consciousness. Always ask. An angel or Ascended Master is Christ consciousness. Many using our names are not.
Another misconception about deities not of Christ consciousness is that all are alike in their motivation to contact humans. Not a correct assumption. None of the non-Christ consciousness deities give only because of love. Many desire accolades or their names being famous. Others want to manipulate. My advice is to ONLY connect with Christ consciousness and accept this guidance as accurate. Others are not as capable of being accurate.
Truth is relative. No deity has an accurate ability to deliver answers about Truth because no concepts are true. Play with this next quote: “Truth can only be delivered to a quiet mind, and as the delivery occurs, nothing the mind concludes about Truth can be.”
January 7, 2007
By Saint Germain
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