Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Meteor. My Personal History Series

Greetings Beloved Ones!

Today I will relate to the world what I should have done many years ago. Therefore I apologize to God today for not having done it in time.

In this public apology, it is my intent to bring forth that of what it was expected from me by the Creator of my Being.

To have the annoitment of the Light and not follow it, is certainly an action that bring repercutions and karma is created and attonment is necessary. Mine is yet to be completed, meanwhile I AM now awaken and recognizing my path of ascension becoming Sentient.

The following description is true as is written and now is part of public record on a court procedings. I call upon the true justice, the justice of the Christ as Judge, and the Sentient as jurors.

This is my delusion:

The Meteor

In the second or third Wednesday of March 1992, around 3 AM, a sight of a meteor entering and exiting the abode across the eastern seaboard attracted newsreels all day long. The event reported by the Vanderbilt observatory of Long Island, NY was described as "a meteor", a brilliant light object across the firmament falling first over the seas in front of New York and then taken an elliptic path over the skies of Boston to return to the outer space. To my knowledge, a meteor falls to Earth and hits ground or water, but never return to the cosmos. Over 3 thousand witnessed the entry and exit of the object and they describe the flight as around 30 to 60 seconds of duration. The event has faded in the memories of people, perhaps those who witnessed and those who just happen to listen about it. Not for me.

Not for me definitely, although I did not see it physically, I experienced one of many of the "visions". A big one. A briefing of some sort, in a space ship, a meeting with some people in white with white robes and blue eyes, specially the commander, who asked me who I was.* Then the briefing started, about wars, disasters, forest fires, a comet hitting Earth, estrange Sun activity to end in the “wave” of gamma rays that will hurt millions of people.

I have had in my life awesome "visions" and messages, out of the body experiences, but this one, is one of a kind. Further information of the briefing that night I deem necessary to keep hermetically sealed and not disclosure to preserve what is necessary to preserve from pray eyes. I will only share it with people advanced enough to understand what is it about the message passed and the events that took place afterwards, and those coming to be. Whether in body, spirit or mind, I certainly have not yet discerned.

* “I am a citizen of the third planet of the Solar System in the Milky Way and my name is Menantes".

About the Sun, I have to go back to the 1992 meeting with the Galactic Beings. I do recall in the briefings, they show us many future events and by the time of the forest fires in California, next was a vivid display of people in the beaches of the World being burned in their skins with very painful lacerations. There was no cure for this. I saw many blaspheming against God, blaming Him for this horror without thinking that they brought it upon themselves. Consequently, it is my belief that this is what is next, a storm of Gamma rays, affecting the planet surface; especially in concordance with the solar activity is rational to think is the next big situation, in the tribulation we are going to witness.

Below is a paragraph of an article about the attack in Washington DC on 9-11-01. This reflects what I am talking about. A panic of unprecedented dimensions is just about to occur.
"I think everybody is still sort of feeling that they don't really know how they're feeling," said Hortum. "Things have changed so much. There's an anger that people feel for having all this beset them, for having to feel this anxiety. But there's a very real sense that we need to be aware of people beyond ourselves."

Beyond this, I want to point out to the fact that the Galactic Beings were very concerned, not to the comet that was going to hit Earth in 1994.(Shoemaker.)(This is proof for me that the meeting in March 1992 is as real as you and me writing this today. Vanderbilt Observatory of Long Island , NY have records of the "meteor that left Earth over Boston in the early morning of Wednesday 18, 1992)

They inform us that this event they already took care of it for us, but with the coming "wave", somehow they believed was going to be more powerful than any other cosmic event ever take place. I do have the closings on this briefing, but to my despair is now buried in my subconscious memory. Every time that I try to bring it forward, I fail to have clarity. Apparently, I got very emotional and they didn't like it, right there is when they send me back here. I may have offended them or something like that.

Incidentally, I found the work of Dr. Paul LaViolette quite amusing in the subject of "super waves" from galactic origin, few weeks ago. You may want to look at:

Arkam Menantes Yawa-deva

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